A community organization devoted to preserving and enhancing the experience of Wild River State Park


Edition    Article topics
Winter 2022-23 Candlelight Night is Back -- Remembering Bill Carlson -- Greetings from Sean Hoppes- our new Naturalist -- Otter Trotter 2022 -- Pancake Breakfast & Annual Meeting on March 11
Fall 2022 5K Race in Oct. -- New Bike Repair Stations -- July`s River Clean-up -- Seegwan Roundup
Summer 2022 New Naturalist Intern: Olivia Ellenbecker -- Seegwan schedule -- River Clean-up in July -- Wild Friend Award to Brad Bjorklund -- Earth Day project

Winter 2021-22 Two new Naturalist Grants -- Nature Play area -- Mike Dunker farewell as our Naturalist -- President's report -- Park Mgr. Kris' update -- Otter Trotter 5K report and photos

Winter 2020-21 COVID issues: Candlelight Night cancelled & Pancake Breakfast/Annual Meeting may be virtual -- President's report -- Park Mgr. Kris' update -- Treasurer's report -- Looking for your stories
Summer 2020 Wild Friend Awards to Wade Vitalis and Joe Liemandt -- Facilities reopening at the Park -- Event cancellations due to COVID-19 -- President's report

Winter 2019-20 Coming up: Candlelight Night & Pancake Breakfast/Annual Meeting -- Joe Liemandt retiring -- President's report -- Amphitheater update
Fall 2019 5K Race in Oct. -- Almelund Apple Festival -- New Asst. Mgr.: Taylor Scott -- Baby Bullsnakes -- Sharing our stories
Summer 2019 Report from our new President: Becky Leuer -- Wild Friend Award to Bob Kessen -- Seegwan event returns -- Leave wild things alone -- Changes in membership year -- List of volunteer opportunities

Winter 2018-19 Coming up: Candlelight Night & Pancake Breakfast -- Treasurer's Report -- Climate Change -- 5K Run report -- Park entrance sign spruced up
Fall 2018 5K Race in Oct. -- Almelund Apple Festival -- A Changing Forest: diseases -- GeoPDF maps -- Wild River in the press
Summer 2018 Wild Friend Award to the Life Work Center -- New Naturalist Corps person (Janessa) -- Nonprofit status -- 5K Race in Oct. -- Tree cage installation
Spring 2018 Special edition: tree cage grant and project

Winter 2017-18 Candlelight Ski -- Reports on 2017 activity -- Fire Activities -- Prarie Care in 2017 -- St. Croix River Cleanup report -- Where dues is spent
Fall 2017 Wild River 5K Run -- Park Prairie Pollinator Project -- Justine Bigott --
Friends booth at the Almelund Apple Festival
Spring 2017 Amphitheater Fundraiser Concert featuring Dan Chouinard and Ann Reed -- Silent Auction at concert -- Mike Dunker article on St. Croix River exhibit, River Clean-up, and I Can Fish! programs

Winter 2016-17 Candlelight Ski -- Reports on 2016 activity -- History of Candlelight Ski -- Prarie Care -- Logging program -- St. Croix River Cleanup report
Summer 2016 International Bird Day -- Brad: Interconnected & Costa Rican visit -- Prairies, Snakes, and Birds -- Campsite reservation -- Bird's-foot Violet -- Sue Leaf: Annual Birdwalk -- Native Pocket Gardens
Spring 2016 International Bird Day -- 125th Anniv. of State Parks -- Candlelight Ski -- Amphitheater fundraiser -- American Redstart -- Pancake Breakfast & Annual Meeting -- Dave K's Prairie Restoration -- Master Watershed Volunteers

Winter 2015-16 Candlelight Ski -- Deer Hunts in the Park -- History/photos of Wild River area -- Prarie Care -- Friends Website improvements
Fall 2015 Wild River 5K Run -- Pollinators -- Archeology -- Bears vs. Bird Feeders -- Paddling the St. Croix -- Erin Denny -- Trumpeter Swan -- Help Needed
Summer 2015 Seegwan -- Snake Survey Help -- Birding at the Park -- Golden-winged Warbler -- St. Croix Clean-up -- Pollinators Pledge -- Prescribed Burns
Spring 2015 Pancake Breakfast & Annual Mtg. -- Spring activities -- Changes in the Park -- Little Free Library -- Musclewood -- Birding -- Maple Syrup program

Winter 2014-15 Candlelight Ski -- Amador Prairie restoration -- Little Free Library completed -- Plant galls -- Prarie Care -- 5K Run results -- Background Bird Count
Fall 2014 5K Run & map -- Sandhill Crane -- Sister Parks with Costa Rica -- DNR Fall Colors page -- Monarch butterfly decline update
Summer 2014 Seegwan -- St. Croix Valley Foundation investments -- New Naturalist: Mike Dunker -- Goose Creek trivia -- Henslow's Sparrow -- Wild River Snake Research project -- New Board Officers -- Orchids -- Costa Rican parks
Spring 2014 The Bald Eagle Edition -- Pancake Breakfast & Annual Mtg. -- Dave Kozlovsky stepping down as President -- No Naturalist -- Smallmouth Bass -- Candlelight Ski report: 1600 attended

Winter 2013-14 Candlelight Ski -- Kacie Carlson moves on -- Bylaws updated -- Unexpected birds over-wintering -- American Highbush Cranberry
Fall 2013 2nd annual 5K Run -- St. Croix Clean-up -- Monarch butterfly decline -- Early Fall bird migration -- Black Bear -- Vanishing Forest exhibit
Summer 2013 Seegwan -- Park management plan -- Large-flowered bellwort -- Spring at Wild River -- Snaking with Dave Crawford -- Dry Creek trail -- SCRA & FWRSP
Spring 2013 Pancake Breakfast & Annual Mtg. -- Candlelight Ski report: 700 attended -- Trees and Spring -- St. Croix National Scenic Riverway -- Red-bellied Woodpecker -- Junior Friend membership -- Amik's Pond trail

Winter 2012-13 Candlelight Ski -- Friends activities -- Solar Panels -- 2012 Park stats -- Kris Backlund -- Climate Change -- Fox Sparrow
Fall 2012 1st annual 5K Run -- St. Croix Clean-up -- Jr. Friend News -- Tracking Monarchs -- Canada Goldenrod -- Aspen Knob trail
Summer 2012 Seegwan -- Resource mgmt. -- Volunteer opportunities -- Ovenbirds -- Bill Carlson -- Observation and Interpretation -- Ruffed Grouse -- Goose Creek
Spring 2012 Pancake Breakfast & Annual Mtg. -- Candlelight Hike (no snow) report: 500 attended -- Native Plant Sale -- Bloodroot -- Signs of Spring

Winter 2011-12 Candlelight Ski -- Canoe the St. Croix -- 2011 Volunteers: 891 and 4500 hours -- Short-tailed weasel (ermine) -- Gary Noren -- Kids to the Prairie
Spring 2011 Seegwan -- New Newsletter format -- Outdoor Education -- Dave Felleson -- Tessa Hill -- Dan Carlson -- Friends dues usage -- Volunteer activity and opportunities -- Prairie Care -- Junegrass
   Newsletters prior to 2011:
Winter 2010-11 Candlelight Ski -- Park report for 2010 -- New Naturalist hired in April: Kacie Carlson -- Shawn and Kia Donais transfer to Gooseberry
Summer 2010 Seegwan -- Kacie Carlson intro and first report -- 1st annual St. Croix Clean-up

Winter 2009-10 Candlelight Ski -- Park report for 2009 -- Changes to membership dues levels -- Wild River Youth Nordic Ski Club's fourth year
Summer 2009 Seegwan featuring Big Top Chautauqua
Spring 2009 In memory of Barb Nelson -- 2008 Naturalist highlights -- Pancake Breakfast & Annual Mtg.

Winter 2008-09 2008: a year of change -- Barb Nelson passes away suddenly -- Geocaching -- Youth Nordic Ski Club -- Annie Boyce's Home Farm on Snowshoes
Summer 2008 Seegwan -- Minnesota Sesquicentennial at WRSP -- Prairie Care Species Steward
Spring 2008 New Friends President: Dave Kozlovsky -- Pancake Breakfast & Annual Meeting -- 4 new Camper Cabins -- Youth Nordic Ski Club

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© 2005-2024 FRIENDS OF WILD RIVER STATE PARK • (651) 583-2125 • Fax: (651) 583-3101

Email address for questions or comments: info@friendsofwildriver.org